Case CATalyst Training
Software Guidance
Improving Your Knowledge of Your CAT Software
Try Something New
Upgrade your CaseCATalyst scoping beyond foundational skills by exploring advanced transcript production elements. Editing the reported proceedings should be a smooth ride, not an equation.
Target Specific Issues
If constant tweaks are eating up your time, allow me to assist in specialist services like custom Include files, page layout settings, and dictionary review. A personalized plan might be right for you.
Creating a plan for your needs
A working reporter, just like you.
I’m a working reporter who uses all the features of CaseCATalyst daily.
Unsure of where you need to start? I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve CaseCATalyst proficiency —a combination of tips and tricks, efficient editing to automate redundant tasks, as well as reporter-tested realtime shortcuts, and more.
Products that I train:
CATalyst Professional
CATalyst Edit
CATalyst Student
Jean has real-world experience with CATalyst, Zoom, and TeamViewer.
Continuing Education:
Eligible for credit towards NCRA CEUs:
Training hours are eligible for National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) Continuing Program continuing education credits. Please note there is a separate charge payable to NCRA for submission of CEU Online Submission Verification Forms.
Reimbursement for official court reporters employed with the Los Angeles Superior Court:
Certificates of Achievements are provided, along with an agenda of the remote training session, to be submitted for CEU Credit and educational reimbursement for LASC official court reporters.
YesLaw-compliant Auto Indexing setup and training is available and eligible for reimbursement through the County.
Auto Indexing
Easier than you think: Learn how to use the Build Index feature to create customized index pages for your transcripts
Include files creation
Deposition setup
Court setup
Multiple page references on a single line
Master Index
Index position
Index placeholder assignments
Index template options
Learn about Case CATalyst’s automatic number conversion and number conversion definition features
Automatic number conversion
Number triggers
Number conversion rules and options
Manage how you navigate between different panes within Case CATalyst
Reveal Codes
Vertical Notes
EZ Text
Speaker List
Hidden Text
Brief It / Live Suggestions
CAT Scratch
Search results
Check It
Realtime Editing
Maximize your efficiency and edit while reporting to cut down on transcript production time after your job
Power Define
Scan Define
EZ Speakers Entries
Text E-Define
Learn how to simultaneously edit transcripts with your scopist and proofreader live, on the job, in addition to outputting realtime feeds to your clients
RealTeam (Work units)
CaseViewNet Browser
CaseViewNet Cloud
iCVNet (iPad)
Speaker Functions
Quickly define EZ Speaker entries to use in realtime and edit functions
EZ Speakers
Virtual seating chart
Create EZ Speaker entries from Writer during RealTime
Transcript Production
Upgrade your Case CATalyst scoping beyond foundational skills
Backup and Restore
Cloud backup
Manage jobs
Job templates
Dictionary management
Include files
Print options
Scoping Shortcuts
Make the software work for you: Automate common commands within your software as you scope
QuickFix suffix
Remove suffix
Search options
Keyboard mapping
Homophone table
EZ text
Reveal codes
Query realtime translation
Number conversion
Hidden text
Hotspots / Oops